Pub News: Goddess Girls #6: Aphrodite the Diva debuts August 9th!

GoddessGirls #6: Aphrodite the Diva will be in stores on August 9th!
  We're celebrating on a blog tour with lots of giveaways, including one right here on 
See below to enter to win!

* GODDESSGIRLS bead necklaces made by Joan and Suzanne.
Strung on colorful stretchy cord, they can be shortened into bracelets. (Beads & cord packages purchased at Michaels say they're not for under age 14. Actual colors will vary.)
* Aphrodite the Diva book signed by Joan and Suzanne
* Bookmark featuring six Goddess Girls books

Drop a comment on this blog with a contact email. 
We'll use it only to notify you if you win. 
"Follow" this blog and/or become a Facebook Fan of the Goddess Girls. (optional)
Good luck and Thanks!  --Joan & Suzanne

USA only. Void where prohibited. Contest runs Aug. 1 - 15. Winner's name will be posted in a comment on this blog by August 20. Winner must contact me with a snailmail  I can mail to by August 27, 2011 or prize is forfeited and another winner will be chosen. Prize will be mailed out within ten days of receiving snailmail address from winner. Not responsible for misdirected or lost mailings or emailings. Thanks for playing!!!

Goddess Girls series scoop:
Join the class at Mount Olympus Academy with Goddess Girls, a new series that puts a modern spin on classic Greek myths!

ā€œā€¦a clever take on Greek deitiesā€¦ā€ ~ Booklist

"Readers familiar with Greek myths should get a kick out of this plucky restaging.~Publisher's Weekly
ā€œā€¦an enchanting mythological world with middle-school woes compounded by life as a deityā€¦ā€ ~ School Library Journal

Aladdin paperbacks, ages 8 ~ 12.

Athena the Brain Finding out sheā€™s a goddess and being sent to Mount Olympus brings Athena new friends, a weird dad, and the meanest girl in mythologyā€”Medusa!
Persephone the Phony Hiding her feelings works fine for Persephone until she meets a guy she can be herself withā€”Hades, the bad-boy of the Underworld.
Aphrodite the Beauty Sure Aphrodite is beautiful, but itā€™s not always easy being the goddessgirl of love.
Artemis the Brave She may be the goddess of the hunt, but that doesnā€™t mean Artemis always feels brave.
Athena the Wise Zeus says Heracles has to do twelve tasks or he'll get kicked out of MOA! Although she's not sure it's wise, Athena agrees to help out.

NEW! Aphrodite the Diva Isis claims she's the goddess of love? Ha! But to keep the title all to herself, Aphrodite has to find the perfect match for Pygmalion, the most annoying boy ever. (August 9, 2011) 
Artemis the Loyal  Itā€™s time for the annual Olympic Games, and Artemis and her friends are not happy. Itā€™s boys only.  Not fair! (Dec. 2011)
 Medusa the Mean  When Medusa discovers an ad for a necklace that promises immortality, this looks like her best shot at becoming popular and having her supercrush, Poseidon, finally notice her. Can this "meanie" get what she wants and also prove that there's more to her that meets the eye? (Apr. 2012)



  1. I just discovered this series and recommended it to a young reader. nicole.politi [at]

  2. I love this series! My library girls are so into GGs that I've had to order in multiple copies. I can't keep them on the shelves! Thank you for the giveaway :)

    imagesandwords at optonline dot net

  3. I know this series will be popular at my school. Thanks for the giveaway.

    hg195 at yahoo dot com.

  4. Hi Nicki, Heidi, and Small Review: Thanks for entering. Joan and I are so glad your girls are liking Goddess Girls!

  5. The Goddess Girls series is fantastic! I can't wait to encourage my friends to read these.

    Emiline, age 7

  6. My email address is-


  7. My youngest daughter has one of these books and loves it!

    I'm a follower!
    mmafsmith at gmail dot com

  8. This is my daughter's favorite new series, and has been the bulk of her summer reading.

  9. Love the series, thanks for posting the giveaway!
    brtjaden (AT) hotmail (DOT) com

  10. Congratulations to Maria, our book and swag winner! We will contact you for an address and mail out the swag right away. Thanks for entering, everyone! --Suzanne


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