Peace Is Dangerous


It’s true. Peace is Dangerous... to a writer. At least for this writer. I’m not talking about the sense of peace and well-being that allows my imagination to soar freely. That, I welcome. It’s the other kind of peace that can be deadly to story.

Let me explain.
My own default personality steers clear of confrontation and gravitates toward a place of placidity. That’s why I struggle to make life hard for the characters I love. Inflict a little pain? Sure. But bring them to the point of utter despair? It hurts my soul. 

Yet, my drive to tell stories far outpaces the pain I’m inflicting on these poor, unwitting humans. So, I take a long, deep breath then pile on life’s cruelties, all the while reminding myself that my characters will come out stronger in the end.

But isn't that life?
How muddling through your own slings and arrows can greatly work to enhance and heighten your own sense of peace and well-being? It is for me.

Jody Feldman, author of The Seventh Level and The Gollywhopper Games series is currently figuring out how best to hurt her new main character. Feel free to drop her a line in the comments or at to suggest interesting new tortures :)


  1. Jody, it sounds like my own process you are describing as I struggle with conflict. Thanks for putting it out there.

  2. I never feel bad about inflicting all sorts or horrible things on HUMAN characters. Animals? That's another story.


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