Finding Peace in reading, writing

 Growing up in the public school district, I was shy and withdrawn. The constant cacophony of voices, slamming locker doors and smell of the cafeteria overwhelmed me.

 Every day, I made sure I had a book for an escape hatch from all of the noise. And every day I could, I found my way to the library. The stacks of books on tall shelves, the quiet and warm sunlight coming in was my way of finding peace. With books, reading books, exploring new worlds behind two covers. I took study halls there and my lunch hour. I never was lonely as long as I had the written words surrounding me.

Today, I find peace in reading and writing still. As I move through life and continue writing, I hope as an author, I can bring others a bit of peace, kindness and adventure in my books.

Happy Reading!

AM Peaslee


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