The Story Behind an Unexpected Encounter by Darlene Beck Jacobson

 I recently returned from a trip to the Finger Lakes region of New York. After a leisurely breakfast at our hotel in Geneseo, NY, my husband and I set out to explore the natural wonders of nearby Letchworth State Park. As we exited the hotel, we encountered a man we'd seen at breakfast. Beyond the usual greetings one gives strangers, we stopped and asked him where he was headed and more importantly, where he came from.

Steve had been traveling by motorcycle for 12 weeks through South America, Central America and the US. He was on the last leg of his journey in NY and was headed that day to visit his cousin in NY City before returning home to London. He averaged 300 miles per day on his solo journey through some of the most beautiful places on the planet.

I asked him how he felt about his travels and the people he met along the way. He said everyone---except only one man whom Steve avoided since the man was looking for trouble...everyone was welcoming, friendly, and a pleasure to spend time with. Nicaragua was his favorite place to travel through and he said the people there are really excited to welcome visitors to their country. 

We here in the US hear so many negative things about these Central American countries and the influx of many of the immigrants that flee to our border. Seems to me, when we have these face-to-face encounters and make connections with our fellow humans, we become individual ambassadors that can tell a different story of other countries and cultures.

Steve's journey would make a fascinating volume for any travel enthusiast. It is also a testament to the power of connection and story, and what makes us human. Thanks, Steve for taking a moment to share some of your story with me.

By the way, our day at the park was amazing! But that's another story!

Darlene Beck Jacobson enjoys exploring wild places on foot and can't imagine traveling thousands of miles by motorcycle. She also enjoys connecting with people wherever she goes.  She writes most of her stories from NJ.


  1. Replies
    1. I was blown away that he traveled so far alone on a motorcycle. That isn't a common thing for many men and would never be available to women in terms of safe travel.

  2. Beautiful story Darlene

  3. Nice story! I have a cousin who often travels around the USA on his motorcycle. I could never understand sitting that long on the road. Although I did spend a lot of time on my bicycle when I was kid, I too prefer walking now. BTW, Steve's a handsome guy.šŸ˜‰

  4. Wowza! What an interesting story! "A testament to the power of connection and story." Indeed!


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