A PLACE TO GROW by Jane Kelley

Writing is a solitary act. Writers are often told to stay at their desks. I wonder about that advice. If I don't go off my path, what will I have to write about?

I'm lucky. I live near the Mequon Nature Preserve. It has 500 acres of woods, fields, ponds to explore, an observation tower to climb, more species of flora and fauna than I can count. It also helps humans grow with a thriving education department that includes book clubs for readers of all ages. I was so honored that the Junior Nature Book club read two of my books this past year and invited me to share their discussion.

The members were so smart. They asked challenging questions about the choices I had made in my books. Was it a good idea for Megan to go on that hike by herself? Why did I let that bad thing happen to one of their favorite characters? Why did I put banana nut muffins in the book if I don't like them?

Being held accountable for what I write is important. I try to make my books as accurate as I can. I'm proud that a nature preserve found value in my works of fiction. I want to treat all my characters with respect, whether they are pigeons or people or red tailed hawks.

This red tailed hawk, along with many other specimens, is in the Mequon Nature Preserve's classroom so that people can get a closer look at the natural world.

Marianne O'Connor leads the book group discussions and shares her love of nature. She also baked banana nut bread for the group. There isn't a photo of it––the kids devoured it!

Mequon Nature Preserve is a place to walk, to share ideas with new friends, to appreciate the wonders of nature. I'm so glad to have found a place to be inspired by my own ideas but especially by the good work being done to preserve nature and encourage people to appreciate it.

Jane Kelley is a hiker, an observer, a nature lover, who has been known to get off the path and write a few books.


  1. I LOVE interactions with young readers. They always leave me energized and inspired.

  2. How wonderful that your books inspired nature exploration.


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