The Surprises of Slowness

It may be a little cliche by now, but with all of the ways our "normal" lives have changed in these last several months, I'm amazed by the opportunities "slowness" brings. For me, having fewer places to go and less people to see means more time to slow down. 

One of the most wonderful benefits of this has been the way it has caused me to notice the "little things." I have a big window in my office and enjoying its view has always been something I've appreciated. But in these last several months, I have found myself appreciating what I see out that window even more. The cardinal that comes to sit in the nearby bushes. The hummingbird I see enjoying my flowers. And the furry caterpillar inching along the patio while my dog scratches at the window trying to reach it. 

These things have always been outside my window, but they seem to hold more meaning and enjoyment for me now. With less distractions, I have time to stop more often and watch the cardinal and hummingbird and caterpillar a few minutes longer. The old familiar saying, "Take time to smell the roses" has taken on a whole new meaning for me. I've discovered that doing this very simple thing, not only brings the surprise of more appreciation for the the "little things," but also another surprise - a greater sense of peace and calm in my life as well as an attitude of awe for the creation all around me. And this leads to yet another surprise - a greater sense of thankfulness for blessings big and small. 

So, in these days, when "normal" doesn't seem like it will be showing up anytime soon and the "slowness" of my life often brings me many moments of frustration, I let the cardinal and hummingbird and caterpillar, that are right outside my window, remind me to appreciate the wonderful surprises that "slowness" brings.

Happy Hummingbirds and Cardinals,

Nancy J. Cavanaugh



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