The Kindness of Writers by Deborah Lytton: March Theme

This post is written with thanks to all of the writers that have shown me kindnesses over the years. From the first writer who read my manuscript and graciously offered to send it to her agent to the countless writer friends who have posted blog interviews and Q&As when I was promoting books (and even when I wasn't), the writers who have given me such good advice about social media and school visits, the writers who have welcomed me at book events, and the writers who have read rewrites and partials and shared thoughts and ideas with me, I am so grateful to you.

I have found children's literature writers to be the most supportive and welcoming group of professionals I have ever worked with. My fellow writers encourage each other with snaps of published books on the shelves of their local indie bookstore and like and comment on social media posts about recent successes. They can always be counted on for a supportive phone call or email when a manuscript doesn't sell and they regularly buy each other's books. Writers urge one another to continue writing despite rejections or lackluster sales. The kindness that writers show to one another is a gift that we can all give to one another. It makes us more than individuals pursuing common careers, it makes us a community. Today, let's all reach out to one writer friend who needs a little kindness. If you have ideas for other things we can do to help one another, please share them! Happy writing:)


  1. Isn't it amazing how wonderful and kind kid lit authors are toward each other? I have experienced ALL of the above and have only one thing to add: Write a review for an author friend's book. It helps let others know how great these books are.

  2. What beautiful thoughts, Debbie!


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