True Serendipity
I am a definite fan of book trailers. In our digital media-rich world, it's important to use anything we can to get kids to pick up a book.
The strangest thing happened yesterday. I was getting to work on this month's Smack Dab blog post, when I saw a tweet from library media specialist, Lori Kirtley, with a link to a book trailer that she and her fourth graders had done for my first book, ALSO KNOWN AS HARPER. It took serendipity to a whole new level. Seriously, what are the chances of that happening?

I direct messaged Lori to get permission to post it, so here it is:
Thank you, Lori!

In making the video for my second book, A FINDERS-KEEPERS PLACE, I called upon cheap child labor, also known as my daughter, Holly. She has a cameo in the video, but she may not appreciate my telling everyone. Also, she may be huffy about her paycheck which is apparently still "in the mail". Please click below:
Book Trailer for A FINDERS-KEEPERS PLACE by Ann Haywood Leal
The strangest thing happened yesterday. I was getting to work on this month's Smack Dab blog post, when I saw a tweet from library media specialist, Lori Kirtley, with a link to a book trailer that she and her fourth graders had done for my first book, ALSO KNOWN AS HARPER. It took serendipity to a whole new level. Seriously, what are the chances of that happening?

I direct messaged Lori to get permission to post it, so here it is:
Thank you, Lori!

In making the video for my second book, A FINDERS-KEEPERS PLACE, I called upon cheap child labor, also known as my daughter, Holly. She has a cameo in the video, but she may not appreciate my telling everyone. Also, she may be huffy about her paycheck which is apparently still "in the mail". Please click below:
Book Trailer for A FINDERS-KEEPERS PLACE by Ann Haywood Leal
Yay for serendipity...and student-created trailers!