10 Things I'd Tell My 11-Year-Old Self


10 Things I'd Tell My 11-Year-Old Self


 Me (on left) at about age 11 with my family

10. Never stop reading! It’s always going to be your favorite activity.

9. Keep your sense of humor. It will stand you in good stead!

8. When you have an opportunity to travel, take it. Learn from your experiences and talk to people who live in the place you’re visiting.

7. Get some exercise every day. You’ll be glad when you’re older! Long walks are always good.

6. Don’t let difficult people or situations stop you from doing what you want to do.

5. More interesting eating options are on the horizon! Just wait!

4. Try to overcome at least some of your shyness. People might actually want to talk to you more than you think they will.

3. Keep on observing. It’s okay to be more of an observer than a participant if that’s more comfortable for you, and it will help you with your reporting one day.

2. Keep writing. Don’t take years-long breaks from your fiction-writing.

1. Appreciate your family and friends. 


--Deborah Kalb


  1. Love this Deborah. Many of the things you tell yourself are the things I would as well.Thanks for sharing this.

    1. Thanks, Darlene--I really appreciate your comments!

  2. Such a great list. I especially like #4.

    1. Thanks, Holly--yes, that's one I've thought about a lot over the years!


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