Poems to Welcome Spring

 Hello! Spring is coming! 

With that in mind, I offer you a few poems from my ArtSpeak! series (now in its 10th year!) of weekly poems inspired by art... and a poetry book suggestion below! May they help put spring in your heart a few weeks early. Thanks so much for reading!

"Spring Reminder" by Irene Latham

"When I Ride My Bike in Spring" by Irene Latham

"Two Parrots Take a Walk Together" in Spring by Irene Latham

"Spring Forward" by Irene Latham

Want MORE poetry? 

Of course you do! 

May I suggest If I Could Choose A Best Day: Poems of Possibility, poems selected by Irene Latham & Charles Waters, illustrations by Olivia Sua, coming TOMORROW from Candlewick Press! It's PERFECT for spring reading and gifting.
