Of Too Much Light, and Time: Smack Dab in the Imagination by Dia Calhoun


Sometimes when, for all the best reasons, we hyper-focus on a piece of writing, we can over-write it. We give it too much of the light of our attention, just as a photographic image can suffer from too much light.

Usually, I canā€™t see this happening until Iā€™ve walked away from the writing for a time. Thatā€™s funny, isnā€™t it, because time is the common element here. Too much time in the camera lensā€”causes overexposure. And we need time away from the work to see it. This conjours an image of draping a sheet over a sculpture or pulling a curtain over a painting. Theyā€”like our writingā€”need to hide or rest in the darkness for a time before we can see them clearly. Perhaps part of being any kind of artist is understanding how time is an essential part of our work.


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