"Contemplating Mysteries" by Jane Kelley

The Grand Canyon obscured by a foggy veil.

The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day. Never lose a holy curiosity. -- Albert Einstein

"Be in awe! Contemplate the mysteries!" I love that quote. I especially love that Albert Einstein was the one who said it. One of the greatest scientific minds of all time also appreciated the other kind of thinking. Maybe divide between the left-brain and the right-brain isn't so wide after all?

Why did he urge us to keep questioning? Today curiosity takes the form of an internet search. Answers to any mundane question is instantly available. How often have I done that in my writing -- provided a factoid when contemplating a mystery was what my story needed.

A painting with mystery retains the brain's attention long enough for something deeper to happen - an emotional connection, perhaps. -- Brian Crawford Young.

Obviously we can't frustrate our readers by making our stories too confusing. But if we leave some space, then readers will wonder.

One of my WIP recently received this comment from another writer.

"I canā€™t decide what is happening, but Iā€™d keep turning the pages to find out.ā€

This particular WIP is Speculative Fiction. But then, I think ALL fiction is about speculation. We should wonder why a spider would save a pig, why a mouse would think he could rescue a princess, why anyone would do anything.

Remember what Einstein said.

Never lose a holy curiosity!

Jane Kelley writes Middle Grade novels and essays to discover what she thinks.


  1. That's a great comment on your WIP! Mystery is key, I think.

  2. Providing an opportunity for our readers to question, to wonder is gold.


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