Rebound and Recharge by Darlene Beck Jacobson

 Highs and lows. Ups and downs. We all go through the roller coaster that is life. As authors it sometimes feels like the lows are winning as we face rejections, disappointment, and lack of motivation to even show up with pen in hand or hands on computer.

We love the highs. Who wouldn't? Praise, awards, great reviews can recharge our dormant batteries and give us the incentive to keep on going. 







But just like in life, most of our creativity and the writing that springs from it often happens in the valley. On the everyday straightaway that hums steadily along like The Little Engine That Could. 





We can't wait for the highs and we can't stop for the lows if we are to keep on going. As Irene Latham said so eloquently a few days ago, we acknowledge our disappointments, our successes and our failures. Then we get back on the writing train and see where it takes us. The ride is never the same, but it always leads to someplace interesting.

Embracing the journey with all it's ups and downs is what makes us keep on writing.

Darlene Beck Jacobson enjoys riding to places she's never been and often finds something worth noticing on these excursions.


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