Given the Choice of Opinions, I Choose... (Jody Feldman)


Just the other day, and definitely not for the first time, I was asked a question then a follow-up, both of which march alongside our monthly theme concerning potential confrontation. Here we go!

THE QUESTION: What do you do if an agent or an editor gives you notes you donā€™t agree with?

Answer: When I received my editorial letter for The Gollywhopper Games, I assumed Iā€™d be expected to make whatever changes the publisher suggested. The opening paragraph of the  letter, however? Totally unexpected. Paraphrasing: This is your book. You have the choice to listen to our suggestions or not.

Without even glancing at what they had to say, I made my choice.
The thing is, these professionals work to make books the best they can be, day after day, season after season. Theyā€™ve seen which ones succeed and which, less so. Their experience is so invaluable, I needed to take every single suggestion seriously. That, however, that did not mean Iā€™d go along with all their ideas. Instead, Iā€™d look - and I still look - for the reasons behind their concerns and address them in a way to satisfy us both. So far, itā€™s worked out.

THE FOLLOW-UP: Have you always done that?
Answer: Nope. Before The Gollywhopper Games was accepted for publication, I got wonderful notes in the form of a revise-and-resubmit from a dream editor of mine. In part, she suggested that I didnā€™t go deeply enough into the main characterā€™s wounds. Knowing the editor wouldnā€™t acquire the book unless I did. I had a choice. I thought long and hard... for 14 seconds. 

If I were to dig deeper and darker, The Gollywhopper Games would lose some of the joy at its heart. So, my agent agreed we'd move on. HarperCollins/Greenwillow acquired the book a week later. 

BOTTOM LINE: Given the choice of opinions, I go with my gut. It hasnā€™t failed me.
At least, not too often.

Given the choice of two new middle grade ideas, award-winning author Jody Feldman has gone with her gut and is working on one that is slightly outside her lane. Weā€™ll see how that goes...


  1. Yes! You always have to address the REASONS behind an editor's concerns.

  2. Opinions are after all opinions. Thanks for the reminder Jody.


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