Ghost Stories (Holly Schindler)

I love ghost stories. 

I mean, love.

I love the entire spectrum of ghost stories. I love to be scared and I love the silly. I love the heartwarming. I love creepy tales, and I love The Ghost and Mrs. Muir. 

I've thought a lot about what the fuel is for this particular love. I mean, things like this, most times, we sort of grow out of. 

I think, really, it's just possibility. If ghosts are real, then just about everything is in play. So many of our assumptions are wrong. Death isn't really the end. We're not really as alone as we think we are in our empty houses. And maybe, even, we're not as alone as we think we are on life's journey. (Why would ghosts always be out for revenge? Why wouldn't a ghost be with us to help us?)

It's the storyteller in me, I suppose. I love nothing quite like I love a good What if? And there aren't many bigger What If?s than the whole What if ghosts are real?


Holly Schindler is the author of the MG The Junction of Sunshine and Lucky. If you know of any good ghost stories (novels, podcasts, etc.) that she would love, please feel free to get in touch at hollyschindlerbooks (at) gmail (dot) com. 


  1. Just because we don't see them doesn't mean they don't exist. Have you seen the movie WINCHESTER with Helen Mirren? The WINCHESTER family estate in San Francisco area is still the most haunted building in the country.


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