No Matter the Skies

 Some days my imagination seems limitless like the skies that open to the Milky Way, believing there exist infinite possibilities inside this vast universe. 

Then, there are those days when every ounce of my creativity is shrouded in a fog that seems as if it will never part. 

Those are the days when I swaddle myself with the feelings and insights my characters must embrace to become real people in my writing world. Those are the times when characters crawl out from their cliches and develop their personalities, their voices, their sense of purpose. Those are the moments when the fog lifts and the infinite seems possible again.

When she posted this, Jody Feldman found herself emerging from the fog but not quite in the limitless stage...yet. She knows it always comes.


  1. And the limitless struck today! Thanks for reading!

  2. Those foggy days are so important. Those are the days you just HAVE to show up for the work.

    1. And it's been a slog...until today :)


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