When You Don't Want to Hear a Thing (Holly Schindler)

Sometimes, I feel like I'm especially sensitive to noise. I can't write to music. I never have been able to. I can sometimes do illustration work to it. I can draw and draft writing projects to talking (the TV can be on). But if I'm trying to be hyper-focused on revising or tightening my manuscripts, I want to get completely away from any verbal noise at all. Which is how I wind up spending so much time outdoors writing.

The only noise that I've ever found that helps me work is white noise.

A quick Google search will lead you down a bit of a rabbit hole on the subject. I'm not the only one who thinks white noise increases focus. There's just something about a constant, repetitive noise that helps keep my mind from wandering. Part of it, I'm sure, is that it drowns out the other noises. But it's more than that. I have more sustained writing sprints. I don't tire out mentally as quickly. 

There are ton of apps out there with white noise options. If you give it a shot, my personal favorite sound to write to is rain on a tent. I hope it help you, as well.


Holly Schindler is the author of the MG The Junction of Sunshine and Lucky
