The 3 Limitations I Refuse to Accept

 by Charlotte Bennardo

So the theme is 'What limits us', (or rather, me)?

The most obvious answer is TIME. Everyone complains about not having enough. Jobs, family obligations, chores, things that need to be done, and self-maintenance. All these take away from our writing/creative time. The bottom line is that we must learn time management. 

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

Next is LIFE. Doctors appointments, traveling, personal issues, outside situations like covid and other disasters, unexpected situations, and plain living. Life throws curveballs and sometimes, everything is put on hold to deal with them.

Photo by SHVETS production:

But I find the most prevalent thing that limits me is MYSELF. I throw obstacles in my path with doubt, procrastination, distraction, disorganization, avoidance, and juggling too many projects. What I've done to limit the limitations is to work within a structure, a schedule that is fluid. For example:

MONDAY: writing or revising one project during the day, and at night, while relaxing in front of the TV, I post to social media, keeping my presence visible. Now it's not always possible on Monday night for whatever reason, but it's on the schedule so I must get it done during the week.

TUESDAY: writing or revising during the day and at night, attending my romance writers critique group. 

WEDNESDAY: writing or revising during the day.

THURSDAY: writing or revising on the current project, and subbing chapters to my critique group or critiquing others' work at night.

FRIDAY: writing, revising, and subbing short stories, finding markets.

Photo by SHVETS production:

There are no set hours in my schedule because I do household chores, exercise, handle what life throws at me, spend time with family, go to music practice, volunteer, and other tasks. It's not vital to work at specific times, but to make sure I get my writing done within this framework each week. The weekends are left open; if I get some free time I can do what I want like revise, start a new project, sub to editors, read new trends, etc. Also, to accompany the schedule I create lists. By seeing what I want to accomplish during the week and getting the satisfaction of not only crossing it off when it's done, but I get more things done. Schedules and lists are my greatest organizational tools for pushing past perceived limitations.

By using this framework I can be productive and reduce limitations (and stress!). 

Charlotte writes MG, YA, NA, and adult novels in sci fi, fantasy, contemporary, and paranormal genres. She is the author of the award-winning middle grade Evolution Revolution trilogy, Simple Machines, Simple Plans, and Simple Lessons. She co-authored the YA novels Blonde OPS, Sirenz, and Sirenz Back in Fashion. She has two short stories in the Beware the Little White Rabbit (Alice through the Wormhole) and Scare Me to Sleep (Faces in the Wood) anthologies. Having finished her MFA, she's applying what she learned and is working on several children's and adult novels, along with some short stories. She lives in NJ with her family and floofy cat. When they trimmed the backyard tree, the crazy squirrel couple moved out (but a new family moved in!).


  1. A writing schedule etched in sand as opposed to granite...allowing for the unexpected to intervene...that's the schedule I follow as well. Thanks for sharing your writing process Charlotte.

  2. I feel the time crunch sooo much lately.


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