Too Late or Too Green?

Just some rejections
Once upon a time, I decided my skill set was best matched with writing picture books. Turns out, I have too many words in me (but I digress). 

So, in my drawer, among about three dozen PBs which have never been ready for primetime, is one that was greeted with a rejection that perfectly fits this month's theme. 

That rejection went something like this:

Dear Jody,
We really enjoyed reading VERY FUN BOOK and would have considered it if only we hadn't JUST accepted a very similar book by Well-Respected Author and Editor. Thanks so much and blah-blah-blah.

SOclose. I was SOclose to my first yes.
For days, I was haunted by a series of thoughts. Had I really been too late? Did Well-Respected Author's manuscript make it to the publisher's office before mine? Or, by virtue of reputation, did the publisher read Well-Respected Author's version before they found mine, lingering in the slush pile? 

During those same days, I wallowed in self-pity, muttering timing is everything until I took a break from picture books and soon wrote the story that only I could write. Enter The Gollywhopper Games. And I've never looked back.

Jody Feldman is looking forward to the unspecified day when she can talk about her next MG book. Meanwhile, there are so many amazing new (and old) titles out there. Happy reading!


  1. I think that's so important--to write stories only you can write.

  2. And it's something I still need to remember :)


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