Writer’s Day

By Marcia Thornton Jones

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I’m a heck-of-a writer,
And so are you!!

We have Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and Teacher Appreciation Day. But what about Writer’s Day?

As writers, we sit in our private spaces creating people and places with the dream of writing stories that will, hopefully, resonate with multitudes of readers. But there are no guarantees. No treasure maps pointing the way to success. No teacher giving us stickers when we do well.

Some days writing soars, and we feel light with hope and enthusiasm. Sometimes our writing crashes and burns, and we are riddled with fear and worry. Even when we finish a draft, the same ‘what-iffing’ that ignited our writing also fuels doubt. What if my story is rejected? What if it’s published and receives bad reviews? What if my next book is terrible? What if…

What we need is a day focused on what we do well. Since August is a month devoid of any other holidays, it’s the perfect time to celebrate ourselves as writers. Here are a few ideas to get your personal Writer’s Day started. Add your own in the comments section!

  1. Select a specific day in August to recognize and celebrate what you do well.
  2. Cancel all other appointments on that day. If someone asks you to do something, simply say you can’t because you are celebrating Writer’s Day.
  3. Buy ‘congratulation’ greeting cards (or make your own), then send them the old fashioned way (i.e. U.S. Postal service) to a few of your closest writing friends congratulating them on being a writer. Send one to yourself.
  4. Buy or make an ornament that reaffirms your efforts as a writer; hang it in your writing space.
  5. Buy a bunch of fun stickers. Go through notes, journals, and rough drafts, rewarding your work with shiny stars and smiley faces.
  6. Shop for a writing gift. Buy a new pen and notebook…or some trinket that has significance to you as a writer.
  7. Visit a coffee shop or bookstore. Spend an hour writing about what you do well, what makes you a good writer, and why your story matters.
  8. What foods do you think of when you celebrate? Plan a meal full of treats to celebrate your perseverance as a writer. Light some candles and enjoy every single bite.
  9. Download music that has significance to you as a writer or to the story on which you’re working. Or just sing “Paperback Writer” by the Beatles as loud as you can.
  10. After you have reaffirmed yourself as a writer, refocus on your work-in-progress by having your story character design a celebration for themselves doing all of the above. What qualities would your character(s) want celebrated? For what do they wish they’d receive stars and smiley faces? How would they choose to celebrate?
 As for me, I’m celebrating Writer’s Day on August 25th. That’s the release date of my midgrade novel, WOODFORD BRAVE. You can preorder on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Woodford-Brave-Marcia-Thornton-Jones/dp/1629793051/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1439131622&sr=8-1&keywords=woodford+brave

P.S. Don’t forget to mark your calendars for National Day on Writing on October 20th and National Letter Writing Day on December 9th!


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