Shadows over D.C.


Shadows over D.C.


Odessa the Cat

There’s something comforting about a cat and its shadow. The pointy ears, the loaflike shape, the self-containment. At a time when everything in my hometown of Washington, D.C., seems twisted and shattered, my cats have been helping me through. This is Odessa, and I’m sure she’d be really annoyed with me for posting her picture. She’s graceful, regal, majestic—but very shy. Our other cat, Sallie, would probably love the attention. When people come to the house, Odessa runs under the nearest bed, but Sallie approaches the door, head tilted, assessing the situation and clearly relishing the compliments about her cuteness. (Maybe I’ll post her picture next month…) In any case, I am grateful that they’re part of my family—and I know I’ll continue to rely on them as the shadows darken.

--Deborah Kalb
