Just the Good Stuff Today

I had intended to write a long-winded poetic waxing of the trials and tribulations in publishing, about the years it takes to learn the story engineering process, how one could do everything right and still not see any positive results. How perseverance, rather than talent, is often the determinate factor in finding success. That failure is not fatal, but rather a learning experience. I even thought about including some nifty cliches, such as don’t count the days; rather, make the days count. And the other one often spoke when it comes to lifting the spirit: don’t wait for opportunity, create it. You know, when you feel like quitting, remember why you started. (insert emoji eyeroll).

But then, I thought I just want to get to the good stuff. The rest can wait for another day. I thought to share this sooner but it is only now made official.

 Thank you for letting me share my good news!

-- Bobbi Miller


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