A Superpower For the Tech Age by Darlene Beck Jacobson

 By now, most of you have probably gotten a funky and suspicious email that was supposed to be from me asking for gift cards or some other nonsense. Well...it WASN'T me. I have been busy spending the last week fixing the hacking mess that took away control of my email account and my Face Book account. 

I am happy to say that I now have a safe, new email installed on my laptop along with a butt load of anti malware programs. As far as FB goes...I can friend myself, but otherwise, my account is bust.

So...if I were to ask for a super power at this moment? It would definitely be the ability to banish malicious hackers to a deserted island that has no internet, WiFi, or electricity. They would live the rest of their lives writing messages in sand or stuffing them in bottles and tossing them into the sea.

On another day...I would love to be able to fly. 

Darlene Beck Jacobson has survived the hacking of her email and now spends her time enjoying the slower days of summer in NJ.


  1. I'll take some of that super power! We've all been there, and it's NOT FUN. So sorry about FB.

  2. Congratulations on surviving the email hacking! That would give me shivers. But o! to fly!! That would be great!


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