DIG DEEPER by Darlene Beck Jacobson

 Deeper is the perfect metaphor, word, image, for a writer to contemplate. Whenever we write, we want our words to evoke images, feelings, and ideas that transcend the page. 

When we have a first draft of a story, with all the basics of setting, characters, conflict, etc the real work is just beginning.

I'm talking about diving deeper into what motivates our characters and makes them do what they do.

Remember how, as a child, whenever we would dig a hole in our backyard, we'd imagine all the unseen treasures we'd find if we just kept digging? Our stories are like that. What ends up between the pages of a book is our best effort after digging deep.

I wonder how those stories might change if we dug even deeper. Is there a limit to how far we can go? 

While a hole symbolizes endless possibilities, it can also show us that maybe something is missing and we need to search deeper to find what we are looking for.

A HOLE IS TO DIG and to search for the deeper, most important way to tell our story. 

How deep will you go to discover what your character wants you to know?

Darlene Beck Jacobson loves discovering what lies beneath the surface. Digging in the sand at the beach is one of her favorite places to go deep. She writes her stories from NJ. Visit her blog at: 



  1. That's soooo true about the holes we dig as kids. We never get over that, do we?


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