Author, Embrace Yourself!


I will not get this quote exactly right. The words may be only a shadow of the original, but I once heard the wonderful editor Caitlin Dlouhy say something to this effect:
If you can write this brilliantly here, in this scene, the rest of the book can rise to that level.

I’ve held onto the spirit of those words not only when I’m in the midst of a work-in-progress but also, and maybe more fervently, when I’m ready to write something new, something fabulous, something that makes me want to shout out in excitement. And I would but... But that big idea just won’t announce itself. 

In those moments when my energy sags, when I sense a drought of creativity, when I have a passing thought about hanging up my pens forever, I latch on to Caitlin’s message and make it my own. 

“You can rise to that level, Jody. You’ve done it before. You’ve made something out of nothing. Don’t just sit here. Go! Go channel that electric sensation of discovery. Use it to power up your senses. Feel the excitement, the joy. 
“Go! Go out become the embodiment of your past creativity.. Embrace your abilities. Embrace the creative power of the universe. Embrace yourself.”

And I do.

Award-winning author Jody Feldman loves to help spark creativity in students of all ages. If  you'd like Jody to speak to your school or group, give her a shout. or contact Sarah DeVore,


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