Imagination in Your Little Finger? Smack Dab in the Imagination by Dia Calhoun

If you could designate one part of your body to hold your imagination, which part would it be? I thought of this when grieving. Someone asked what part of your body is holding the most grief? I wanted to yell, every part! But of course, there was one part that was holding more.

Back to imagination. I thought about which part of my body holds it. The brain was just too easy an answer to be useful. I thought of my hands. Afterall, they type, write, make things. What about my eyes or ears? They take in the world. Left foot? It certainly trips over stuff often enough—metaphorically speaking, that ends up being creatively useful. But there was something wrong with all these answers. Like many quandaries, it took a walk to figure out.

Imagination moves, flows. It doesn’t stay in one place like my liver does. So maybe the blood, the circulatio as they say in alchemy, was the answer. Then it hit me: breath! Breath brings the world in, processes it through my entire body, spirit, brain, and then moves out again into the world. Isn't this how imagination flows in, is made into art, and flows back out into the world as art?

What part of your body holds your imagination?



  1. I love this Dia. Breathing in imagination and breathing out creative energy for story...


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