The Leap of the Wondrous Other: Smack Dab in the Imagination by Dia Calhoun

In my wildflower garden, the arrival of the strange, unique, or different—the tigridia with four petals instead of three—is always a cause for wonder and celebration. This teeming diversity with its leap into something new, something other, always makes me think that nature has an imagination—and revels in it.

Whenever a surprising image or idea emerges while I’m writing, I try to keep this same celebratory attitude. Perhaps this leap will “leap the work” in a new or deeper direction. Even if I don’t end up using the offering, I am grateful for the rich ecosystem and diversity of my imagination.

Just as I care for my garden, I need to care for my imagination. Water and feed it with the best—the finest ideas, books, music, art, of many different kinds. I need to let my imagination rest and be fallow sometimes. Now, in this too-quickly-passing summer, may my imagination and yours riot and ramble and leap into the unexpected flower.


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