November Theme: A writer's gratitude

By Lucy Jones

We don’t really celebrate Thanksgiving here in the UK, but I’ve always wished that we did. I think it’s important for us to press the pause button on our busy lives for a moment, and reflect on what we have to be thankful for, even if it’s just for one day. So this seemed like the perfect opportunity for me to say what I’m thankful for as a writer. Because writing is a lifestyle, not just a job.

So here goes...

  • An AWESOME agent, who took a chance on an unknown writer, and worked with me to make THE NIGHTMARE FACTORY ready for publishers.

  • An AWESOME editor, who has spent the last year working with me to make it even better.

  • A Wonderful family, who have supported my choice in career even though I don’t earn much, and even when I moan about what a terrible writer I am or that I have no idea how to finish the next chapter...

  • My laptop. Yeah, I know it’s a lame thing to be thankful for. But I truly am. The thought of writing my book in freehand scares the c*@p out of me!

  • Chocolate. Because let’s face it, every writer needs chocolate...

  • A glass of white wine while reading revision notes. Reason? Does it need one?

And finally...

  • Online support from other writers. Because it’s great to know that you’re not alone in this mad quest of trying to write books for a living...


  1. Lucy! "Writing is a lifestyle, not just a job." Soooo true...


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