Stop It. You're Doing Great.
It seems chaos surrounds us. I want to acknowledge the terrible tragedy unfolding in California due to the fires, and send healing prayers to all those impacted. In these dark times, I am reminded of these wise words from K. M. Weiland : “… storytelling is never a frivolous pursuit in times like these. The stories we tell matter. They tell us who we are, how we will face our darkest tragedies, and who we will become as we rise from the ashes.” As we muse upon the beginnings of a new year, with all the resolutions, overthinkings, ponderings, regrettings, contemplations, examinations, ruminations, sighings, I quote my friend, the wonderful artist Denise Fleming : Stop it. You are doing a great job. We’ve heard it often enough: our stories matter. They help us understand the world around us, even as they help us understand ourselves. Stories build empathy and help develop imaginative thinking. Stories make a difference. We are homo narratus , story animals...