A Middle Grade Book Review by Darlene Beck Jacobson


 Shadow. This is the theme for this month and I have a wonderful book I'm going to share that brings a bit of 20th Century history out from the shadows of the Official Secrets Act of WWII.

Even though the book is historical fiction, it is definitely grounded in truth as to what happened during that time in history. 

As a lover and author of historical fiction, here is one you won't want to miss THE BLETCHLEY RIDDLE written by award-winning authors RUTA SEPETYS  and STEVE SHEINKIN.


THE BLETCHLEY RIDDLE by Ruta Sepetys & Steve Sheinkin

An unforgettable story of codes, cyphers, secrets and mystery. Siblings Jakob and Lizzie navigate the secret world of Bletchley Park in England during the early years of WWII. Lizzie is searching for answers to her mother Willa’s disappearance. Jakob is working on helping to break the Enigma codes so Britain can defeat Nazi Germany. But with the Official Secrets Act, no one can talk about anything that happens at Bletchley.

            Peppered with wonderful period details of real-life during war time immerses readers into this story of courage and daring. A fast-paced wonder of a story that any lover of history will devour and remember. One of the best books of 2024.



Darlene Beck Jacobson loves reading historical fiction and sharing the books with young readers.


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