My Ultimate Playlist Might Surprise You

by Debbie Smith

The theme this month is playlists and the fact that they get inside a person’s head. Yep, I’d have to agree with that. Mine is continually in my head. Do people listen to playlists while working, exercising, driving? Yep. 

Since I am retired, my work is the fun job of reading, creating pictures with books (bookstagram),  and reviewing books. Plus the not-so-fun job of exercising, laundry, cooking, cleaning the house,  etc.


Here is where we might come to a Y in the road. You might turn on your music playlist, while I might travel the path less traveled. I work so much better if I turn to my audiobook playlist


Do I love music? Yes! But when push comes to shove the winner will always be a book. When I drive, cook, clean, and work outside . . . my books follow me.




Nothing gets inside a person's head quite like a playlist,

 and this month I've shared my unique playlist.

Do You Have An Unusual Playlist?



  1. I agree with you Debbie. My favorite playlist is a good book, just waiting to be opened.

    1. And here I thought I'd be traveling this road alone.

      Welcome friend. 🎧 What are you listening to...or reading?


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