Recipe for Writing a Recipe Poem November Theme by Tamera Wissinger
When I wrote my first book, Gone
Fishing: A Novel in Verse, I included a poem called Recipe for Fishing. In it
the main character, Sam, explains the ingredients needed to go fishing. The
recipe p0em is really a how-to poem and is a fun way to express a topic that
isn’t necessarily about food, so in honor of this month’s theme I’d like to
share my Recipe for Writing a Recipe Poem.
Happy Thanksgiving, and happy
recipe poem writing!
Tamera Wissinger writes stories and poetry for children including
Gone Fishing: A Novel in Verse, This Old Band, and the forthcoming There Was An
Old Lady Who Gobbled a Skink and Gone Camping: A Novel in Verse. Tamera loves
recipes – both the traditional kind and the poetic. You can connect with Tamera
online at her website, on Twitter, or on Facebook.
I've never heard of a recipe poem before. How cool.